What is HTML5?

HTML5 (Version# 5.0) is the latest and greatest version of Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) which is the language of the web.

HTML is actually made up of three component parts:

  • HTML - used to generate the overall structure of the page.
  • CSS - used to control the presentation of the page.
  • Javascript - used to make the above two functional.

HTML5 in a nutshell, has introduced virtually everything you might want to do online without requiring the use of thrid party plugins, including:

  • Semantics.
  • Embedded Native Audio and Video.
  • Improvements to form processing.
  • Improvements to iframe.
  • MathML - allow embedded mathematical formulae.
  • HTML5 - compliant parser (provides stability or predictability between different browsers.)

For this page, I used the following HTML Semantics:

header - used to represent a container of introductory content or a set of navigational links. There can be more than one header in a document, but they should not be nested.

main - used to specify the main content of a document, and the content should be unique and not repeated in anyother section. There may only be one main section in a document, and may not be nested within another section.

aside - used to define content that is somewhat related to the content next to it. Think of a side bar. Thre aside content should further define or clarify the article or content that it is next to.

nav - used to define a section in the document that contains the MAJOR navigation links for the document. Not all links should be included. Primarily used by screen readers for disabled persons.

article - used to to define independant, self-contained information. The information should be sufficiently independant that it could be published seperately from the site.

footer - should contain information regarding the section that it is defined in. Such as: authorship, copyright, contact information, sitemap, back-to-top links, and related documents.